What If

What If

What if I disappear
What if I run away in to the darkness of nonentity
What if you never find me again
What if I become too quite to be heard
What if I become too loud to be heard
What if I become light against your darkness
What if I become darkness against you light
What if I become your own shadow and you never see me for there will be no light around
What if I become you own shadow and you never see me for no shadow can be seen in the darkness
What if I become the odour of far reached flowers of the valley of nonexistence
What if I become air, you can feel but never see or touch me through the senses
What if I never existed
In the world full of people uncountable
Doubting my own existence
What if I disappear
What if I keep quite
What if?
As if you cared!

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