Naan Gosht – An Exclusive Part of Amroha’s Culture

Under the rule of Mughals, several Amrohvis secured esteemed positions in the Mughal court and  the armed forces. In addition to the monuments and buildings built by these Mansabdars with the economic assistance of the Mughals, Amroha also imported some exclusive ingredients of Mughal culture. Degh ka Salan (Meat cooked in a huge vessel) generally called Qorma is one of the dishes that we acquired from the Mughal cuisine. Yakhni Wali Biryani is also an exclusive part of this cuisine. Qorma is usually served with Tandoori Roti , called as Naan in general. This duo of Qorma and Naan is known by the vernacular name Naan-Gosht. This is the chief dish of the cuisine in all the ceremonial events happening in Amroha. 

You cannot imagine the conclusion of a marriage ceremony without Naan – Gosht where non-veg food is served. Let alone the marriage ceremonies, Naan- Gosht also remains a part of the cuisine in various small gatherings and parties. It is most preferred to all other food items that are served. There use to be a craving for this in the marriage parties and other ceremonial events. 

There is a clan of Khansamas proficient in giving Naan-Gosht the unique taste for which it is famous. I have witnessed a whole clan of Khansamas from grandfather to grandson preparing Qorma and Biryani. Qadeer Ahmed, a consummate cook and master in making several Mughal dishes was blessed with a mastery in cooking that even the people of Lucknow have accepted his proficiency. Now grandsons of Qadeer are working in this field and have inherited his legacy, retaining the same taste in their dishes that he used to put in the food.

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