Being Undesirous Yearner

  • September 24, 2015
  • By Abu Turab Naqvi

Source: mamaexperta
Living under the impression of tempting desires that become yearnings with the passage of time. He is no different from a child in a toyshop. He is seeing toys around him. He has to choose one out of all for his pocket does not allow him to do more than this. Looking at the shelves again and again. This one! he shouts. No! this one! he shouts again seeing towards another toy. Time is dying very fast. Shop is about to be closed. Shopkeeper is annoyed with the behaviour of the little kid. He is warning him to hurry up. Yet, the kid is confused. He is seeming more of an undesirous yearner. He wants to choose a toy, that is so tempting, from the shelve full of toys. Tik-tik sound of the clock is annoying him. He is looking worried. He has not chosen any toy yet. Suddenly, the shopkeeper shouts, "Time up!".

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