Untold Stories: The Last Meeting

He was all set to go to school.  Waved good bye to his mother and parted.  He left home for the school. School was not very far from his house. It took just a couple of minutes to reach there. He was on time, like everyday, like all the disciplined students of his age used to do. Morning prayer started on time. He prayed repeating, murmuring all the words of prayer while holding his little hands high, keeping his eyes closed with all the innocence of a child. Rhythm of prayer in divine music was floating through the minds of all the kids. Prayer finished and bell for first period ranged. He was in class looking for his seat where he used to sit everyday. In a minute, class was all filled with noise. Teacher entered and the noise turned into pin drop silence. Teacher started writing the lesson on chalkboard. Students were busy doing all the innocent mischievous things behind her back. Suddenly, someone from the office of the principal entered the class asking for him in the office. He was worried as it was unexpected. Holding his nerves in control, he managed to reach the office. A boy from his neighbourhood was waiting for his arrival. Seeing him he cried, "Your mother is ill. You have to rush to home as soon as possible." He was so upset on this sudden arrival of such news. He rushed towards his house; threw his bag away and reached the room where his mother was lying unconscious. He was scared and crying. He never expected that would happen to him ever. She was all good when he met her, when he talked to her in the morning. He never knew that it was his last meeting with his mother.

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  1. Very Nice. Thanks for sharing . There is a typo though if you can correct it will be nice . The pronoun used is wrong. right in beginning .

    He was all set to go to school. Waved good bye to his ( and not " her") mother and parted.

    1. Thank You so much madame for dragging my attention towards the mistake. I have cordially grateful for the favour you have bestowed upon me.


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